Подвесная система ARMSTRONG PRELUDE 24 XL PeakForm рейка несущая купить в Самаре, узнать цены

CROSS TEE LOAD TEST DATA DETAILS For more information, see submittal BPCS-3154 (Prelude Plus XL Stainless Steel). PRELUDE Plus XL 7/16" Stainless Steel Main Beam PRELUDE Plus XL Stainless Steel Cross Tee PRELUDE Plus XL Stainless Steel Wall Molding PRELUDE® Plus XL® 1-1/2" Stainless Steel Cross Tee 15/16" (24mm) 1/4" (6mm) 1-1/2"1-1/2" (38mm.

PeakForm Steel Grid Systems Armstrong Ceiling Solutions Australia

Armstrong PRELUDE 24 XL². Exposed 24 mm grid system - System C. Armstrong PRELUDE 24 XL² is a range of standard 24 mm exposed grid systems which combine exceptional stability with ease of installation. Available with XL² Cross Tees and the Armstrong PRELUDE 24 Universal Main Runner. Features.

Armstrong 16×16 Ceiling Tiles Shelly Lighting

PRELUDE XL 15/16" Exposed Tee - 7300 is part of the PRELUDE XL 15/16" Exposed Tee line from Armstrong Ceiling Installation Systems - Commercial. Browse & Download Product Specs & Data.. Data Sheet - PRELUDE XL and PRELUDE XL HRC. pdf; Data Sheet - Accessories. pdf;

PRELUDE 15/16" Exposed Tee Grid Systems Lines Armstrong Ceiling Solutions Commercial

Armstrong PRELUDE 15 TL. Exposed 15 mm grid system - System C. Armstrong PRELUDE 15 TL is a range of standard 15 mm exposed grid systems offering a more minimal grid appearance. Available with TL Cross Tees, which are fully compatible with the PRELUDE 15 Universal Main Runner. Features.

Armstrong Prelude 24XL Joggled 1200mm Cross Tee Suspended Ceiling Grid

PRELUDE XL 15/16" Exposed Tee commercial ceiling suspension system from Armstrong Ceiling Installation Systems. Color & texture coordinated.. Armstrong offers an ICC-ES approach to installations (ESR-1308). Data Sheet - PRELUDE XL and PRELUDE XL HRC. pdf; Data Sheet - Accessories. pdf;

PRELUDE XL 360 Painted Armstrong Ceiling Solutions Commercial

3344 Prelude XL CAT_1223. This hot-dipped galvanized steel 15/16" suspension system offers high recycled content for improved LEED® credits. Prelude XL suspension system.

Подвесная система Prelude 24 Armstrong в Москве! В наличии на складе!

The Prelude® XL Max® suspension system for data center applications is a pre-engineered ceiling suspension system designed for improved air flow management, load carrying capacity, and adaptability in data centers of all sizes. The Prelude XL Max suspension system uses 3/8 inch threaded rod support and reconfigurable load connector clips to.

Armstrong CEILINGS Prelude 2 ft. STAB CROSS TEE Ceiling Grid (60Pieces/Case) XL7328RWH The

Armstrong PRELUDE 24 XL2 No. Description Item reference Module 600 x 600 Module 625 x 625 Module 1200 x 600 Module 1250 x 625 1 Main Runner 31 40 32 A 31 41 33 B 0.84 lm − − 0.80 lm 0.84 lm − − 0.80 lm 2 Long Cross Tee 31 30 51 B 31 31 51 B 1.67 lm − − 1.60 lm 1.67 lm − − 1.60 lm 3 Short Cross Tee 31 20 21 A 31 21 23 A 0.84 lm.

Continous Load Path (CLP) For PRELUDE XL Armstrong Ceiling Solutions Commercial

PRELUDE ® XL® and PRELUDE XL HIGH RECYCLED CONTENT (HRC) 15/16" Exposed Tee System SEISMIC PERFORMANCE Main Beams 7301, 7301HRC, 7306, 7307, 8301 Minimum Lbs. To Pull Out Compression/Tension 335.0 330.0 Cross Tees All XL cross tees exceed 300 lbs. in both compression and tension. ICC Reports For areas under ICC jurisdiction, see ICC.

48 in x 15/16 in Armstrong Prelude XL 360 Painted Cross Tee 56421XX at Capitol Building Supply

Prelude® XL Max® 15/16" Suspension System. 24" x 24" and 24" x 48" suspension system supports point loads up to 300 lbs. using 3/8" threaded rod and integrated hanging clips to provide: Flexible and reconfigurable overhead cable tray and electrical distribution to meet client needs without a separate strut channel system.

PRELUDE XL Fire Guard Armstrong Ceiling Solutions Commercial

PRELUDE ® XL® and PRELUDE XL HIGH RECYCLED CONTENT (HRC) 15/16" Exposed Tee System VISUAL SELECTION PERFORMANCE PACKAGING Load Test Data (Lbs./Lin. Ft.) Fire Guard ™ Seismic Category Item No. Face Profile Description Rout Spacing Dimensions (Inches) L/360 Lbs./ Lin. Ft. Pcs./ Ctn. Lin. Ft./ Ctn.

4 ft x 15/16 in Armstrong Prelude XL 360 Painted Cross Tee XL734036BL at Cowtown Materials, Inc.

qualified in the entirety by reference to the applicable product Safety Data Sheet (SDS) which can be located at www.armstrongceilings.com, as well as by the additional ingredient information provided for specified substances. Armstrong Suspension Systems Prelude hpdrepository.hpd-collaborative.org HPD v2.2 created via HPDC Builder Page 4 of 6

PRELUDE XL HRC Armstrong Ceiling Solutions Commercial

PHYSICAL DATA Material Hot-dipped galvanized steel) Surface Finish Cross Tee/Main Beam: Baked polyester paint Concealed Components: Unpainted steel Manufactured and tested in accordance with ASTM C635 End Detail for 1-1/2" Main Beam: 7300, 7301 - Staked-on clip 7301 XL Cross Tees: Staked-on clip ML Cross Tees: Staked-on hook Cleaning and.

Armstrong Interlude XL 9/16" Dimensional Tee Grid System White Ceiling Grid Component at

only. For end-to-end fixtures or other configurations not shown, consult your Armstrong representative. NOTE: The above data is based on 48″hanger wire spacing, board weight of 1 lb./SF, maximum deflection of tees not to exceed 1/360 of the span, and suspension system installed in accordance with ASTM C636. 1. Fixture* 24″x 48″ 24″x.

PRELUDE Plus XL Stainless Armstrong Ceiling Solutions Commercial

Prelude XL suspension system PRELUDE® XL® and PRELUDE XL High Recycled Content (HRC) Exposed Tee Suspension System This hot-dipped galvanized steel 15/16" suspension system offers high recycled content for improved LEED® credits. • 10-Year Limited System Warranty; 30-Year Limited Ceiling Systems Warranty when used with HumiGuard® Plus.

Подвесная система ARMSTRONG PRELUDE 24 XL PeakForm рейка поперечная 1200 x 38 мм (1 пог.м
