Location Sensor issue MIT App Inventor Help MIT App Inventor Community

MIT App Inventor Forum. Conversations. Labels
Using MIT App Inventor 2 to Display Sensor Data from Arduino Project Guidance Arduino Forum

To provide context to this issue me and my two friends created an app that mapped out a bunch of locations of a particular franchise in the MIT/ Boston area and first you had to click on a button to initialize your location, we did this by taking a marker and setting its lat and long to the users lat and long. Further, if you clicked on any of the markers that marked the location of that.
Not able to get the location data from app inventor location sensor

This is how I can get it to work for one session (app open → app close): Open app (location wont work) Open settings for that app, turn off fine location. Go back to the app, allow fine location. That makes it work once. When reopening the app later, it does not work anymore and you have to repeat those steps.
Ubicacion más precisa MIT App Inventor Help MIT App Inventor Community

1. I got it working! The settings on the phone where interfering with the Location Sensor function. If anyone is having issues like this one, on your phone, try going into Settings -> Location -> Mode -> and change the Location Mode to "Networks Only". I did this and I got the Lat, Long, and Addresses to populate.
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If so, I've noticed something when I create an app on the MIT website (that uses the location sensor), it usually takes almost a minute or multiple attempts to retrieve latitude and longitude data. However, when I decide to use the phone's camera location tag and check the location data, the latitude and longitude is quickly shown.
Location Sensor & Google Map Using App Inventor imagnity

The first app reports the location as soon as the sensor gets the data and every time the phone's location is changed. The second app only invokes the location sensor in response to an event- when the user clicks a button. For each sample app, the following is provided: A barcode which can be scanned to install the app on your phone.
13MIT APP Inventor Using Location Sensor YouTube

Both apps report the current latitude, longitude, and addres on the phone's display and, just for fun, speak the address aloud. The first app reports the location as soon as the sensor gets the data and every time the phone's location is changed. The second app only invokes the location sensor in response to an event-- when the user clicks a.
Location sensor ? MIT App Inventor Help MIT App Inventor Community

MIT App Inventor Community Location Sensor Not working. MIT App Inventor Help. gps, bug-or-problem, location-sensor. 12-D_KB_SCIENCE January 23, 2021, 8:57am 1. I have used a simple locationsensor.LocationChanged block. I have assigned the latitude and longitudes to labels, but when i run the app the labels don't show the latitude and longitude
Location Sensor

SIDDHARTH (SIDDHARTH GUPTA) November 24, 2021, 6:44pm #1. I am using location sensor to determine whether the GPS location is turn on in the mobile or not so the workflow is very simple. Screen 1 loads checks whether location is on, if on then goes to screen GOE or else NOGPS. But every time it fails to check that and always opens screen GOE.
Location Sensor

Valentina (bangkero) March 9, 2023, 11:28am #1. no data of location parameters are pass from the component"location changed". any help please. Taifun March 9, 2023, 5:33pm #2. Enable gps and test outside or at least clisr to a window to get a good gps signal. See also the location sensor tutorial by @SteveJG. docs.google.com.
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The sensor can also work with network/wifi location services. Finding a location using the network uses very different techniques to determine a location. Location means, the device's present latitude and longitude or it can mean your street address. Advanced : Firebase Authentication in App Inventor Using Javascript
Using the location sensor with App Inventor Introduction

My AdvancedLocationSensor-Extension has in addition to the functions of the standard LocationSensor other events: these events are triggered when location sensor is activated or deactivated (via system settings or appsettings). these events are triggered when location sensor finds the first position. int TimeToFirstFix: contains time in ms.
Location Sensor Bugs MIT App Inventor Help MIT App Inventor Community

This is how our app would look like-. Let's build our interface in the Designer/Viewer window. On your browser, go to My Projects and create a new app. Name it whatever you like. I named it WhereAmI. The design view of our app should look somewhat like this-. As you can see I renamed default names of some of the components App Inventor.
app inventor text to speech App inventor 2 tutorial mit app inventor text to speech App Tec

The second app only invokes the location sensor in response to an event-- when the user clicks a button. For each sample app, the following is provided: A barcode which can be scanned to install the app on your phone. The source code (blocks) for you to use/ customize. Download the file to your computer then upload it into App Inventor.
Exploring with the Location Sensor

Exploring with Location Sensor in AI2. Go to tutorial. Tutorial Version: App Inventor 2. Tutorial Difficulty: Advanced. Tutorial Type: Location Sensor. GPS.
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This component provides the Android device's location, using GPS if available and an alternative method otherwise, such as cellular towers or known wireless networks. LocationSensor is a non-visible component providing location information, including longitude, latitude, altitude (if supported by the device), and address.
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