Bugs in 7.11.0 Users SuiteCRM Feedback SuiteCRM

In current version (7.11.6), we are getting the following errors in our suitecrm.log: [WARN] CSS File Dawn/yui.css not found This appears to be related to the following line of code: SuiteCRM/inclu.
Galleria Image Gallery for Suite CRM SuiteCRM Module

3.) I executed the command ./bin/console suitecrm:app:upgrade-finalize -t SuiteCRM-8.2.1. 4.) After that I login into SuiteCRM and it shows the broken page. The problem is also, that i had a theme which showed, for example, the navbar on top in blue. But all the colors from my theme are gone too.
Glyphicon bug SuiteCRM Feedback SuiteCRM

Updates in Scheduler. From this release forward there is a now an out of the box ElasticSearch Scheduler Job. The purpose of this job is to run an ElasticSearch Index. This will not be automatically added on upgrade due to backwards compatibility, however can be enabled via Admin page → Repair → Repair Schedulers.
bug Not able to send Email. SuiteCRM takes the wrong SMTP/Outgoing System Account · Issue 8335

Dale Murray, chief exec of SalesAgility, told The Daily Swig: "Our security team has provided patches for the disclosed vulnerabilities in SuiteCRM 7.11.12 and SuiteCRM 7.10.24. We have informed users of our software about these vulnerabilities and have prompted them to upgrade as soon as possible. "We have put a notice on our open source.
Fix html and css errors and bugs by Carelexxmalik Fiverr

Fixed Screen freezes add a Project Task via Projects (css issue) Remove Colour selector/picker for SuiteP #1861 Fixed #1861 Upgrading from 7.3.x can cause crm to run slow. Fixed hide_subpanels config option with SuiteP #1874 Fixed #1874 - Missing view icon in view events menu item #1867 Fixed #1867 - Making the quick create menu translatable.
CRM IGTech365 Offering a CRM designed for Small Business

Hello, I have version 8.1 installed. I have followed the steps in the manual but I run into a problem. Styles in certain sections are not loaded. For example, when I access the main page, I have the result that you see in the screenshot. My Suite is created on a subdomain.
BUG. Editor unchangeble SuiteCRM Feedback SuiteCRM

I'll test your solution. I think I might have solved it. Seems some permissions on my cache/theme folder wasn't correct. no idea why though. Permissions and then a quick rebuild is how I solved it this morning. I have just installed Suite CRM on a hosting platform but it seems like no template or CSS has come with it.
[404] /legacy/themes/suite8/css/bootstrap.min.css No such file or directory · Issue 250

Basically the system lost the CSS. If this happens to you, scroll all the way to the bottom and you will see "continue' button of the install. Click that and go on with the install… each screen will require you to scroll down again and click. When done you need to look in the list for the Logout can click that.
Working Around a Chrome CSS Selector Bug CSSTricks CSSTricks
I've made my previous changes to the color-palette.scss file and then used pscss on the style.scss file to create a compressed style.css and then cleared the cache. Even turned on developer mode and cleared the Cloudflare cache. It's not working, with the site referencing styles.77da3e898457fbaaee33.css in the /public/dist/ folder which has.
Problem with css Installation & Upgrade Help SuiteCRM

SalesAgility, the driving force behind SuiteCRM, have just released SuiteCRM 8.4.1, 7.14.1 & 7.12.13. Given that this is a security and maintenance release with numerous fixes, we encourage SuiteCRM users to upgrade when they can. SuiteCRM, the world's preferred Open Source CRM, has over 1 million downloads worldwide and counting.
Bugs SuiteCRM Documentation

It is sufficient to create a theme folder in your custom directory like this: /themes/custom/
see bug description · Issue 25911 · · GitHub

Community. We would love to have your feedback and input to help make SuiteCRM 8 great for everyone. Special thanks to everyone who reported security issues addressed in this release! Tanish Mahajan, navsec, Christoph Timm, nam-no, Shahzaib Ali Khan, Alex Bernier.
Que es Suite CRM Activalink

SuiteCRM Forum - English Language Installation & Upgrade Help. Problem found, the permission on the cache/template folder and sub-folders. Try rerunning your permissions commands; sudo chown -R www-data:www-data . sudo chmod -R 755 . sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload. sudo chmod 775 config_override.php 2>/dev/null.
Bug with css CSS Codecademy Forums

Providing a Bug Fix To provide a code contribution for an issue you will need to set up your own fork of the SuiteCRM repository, make your code changes, commit the changes and make a Pull Request to the appropriate branch on the SuiteCM repository. See our Quick Guide to Fork SuiteCRM. Once you have set up your forked repository you can begin making commits to the project.
SuiteCRM_7.11.10 bugs proyect menu SuiteCRM General Discussion SuiteCRM

Like Star previously mentioned, Suite does cache the CSS. Though, if you're not updating the SASS file, and just updating the CSS directly, your changes will be temporary for when the CRM next re-builds the CSS (I believe this is part of the Repair and Rebuild process in the admin section), your changes will be lost as the CSS file constructed from the style.scss file.
How to edit the css part 2 SuiteCRM tutorial part 8 YouTube

Suitecrm version 7.3.0 latest. SuiteR Responsive template. Suite, in various places in the application, creates CSS popups that are so improperly large, that the X (close) and buttons (Save, Save a.
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